All Righty Then!!  We did it kids—and we did pretty well—but we’ll get to that in a moment….

     First—Nuts—the league is keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.  Our condolences for your Dad.  Be strong and hang in there.

     Now—Many thanks to the Barracudas for hosting this year’s festivities.  As is the norm for Mr. and Mrs. Barracuda, they were prefect hosts.  A special thanks goes out to Mrs. B—made the rounds around the room a few times with delicious snacks in tow.  The soup was excellent as was the potato salad.  The salsa was excellent, pickles—great.  Deviled eggs….etc.  All of it—extremely tasty.  I also have to toss out a thanks to Neighbor R.  He came by and ran the grill and timed it to perfection to hit our half time.  And as usual—the burgers were excellent.  So thanks RW!!

     I also have to put out a thanks to our timekeeper.  Hardest job in the room and she handles it effortlessly.  Keeps us moving and focused and never misses a beat.  And even managed our time over all (6 hours, remember) - We were 12 minutes over in the first half and 18 minutes under in the second.  Half time was not on the clock.  So she was superb in her efforts.

     And a great big thumbs up to the league as a whole.  We got the job done—and in a timely fashion—and we were drafting for others that were not able to attend.  Nuts, as we know, was at the hospital and we shifted picks around the room.  And that worked pretty well.  Workin’ drafted for the Destroyers and himself—no easy feat.  I did my best to take care of RX until he could get there—and the Redhawks managed iStaff who was in Florida.  We had three laptops all monitoring the google room so it was manned all afternoon.

     So—with all this going on, we still came in at 6 hours.  Pretty damn good work boys and girls.  And—the database is up and running—and the reports appear to be error free.  We’ll know more at the end of week one.  We have  days or so to run it through the mill and make sure there are no midseason downtimes (can’t speak to the web host—don’t have any control over that).

     The Cru has already spotted an error (nicely done, Cru) - and I believe that was the final one—I thought there was one out there but I couldn’t dig it out—it would have shown up, but it’s best to get them all before season.  So be sure to look over your stuff closely—we need it to be right going in.  I’ll get you squared away tomorrow, Cru.

     Bottom line at this time is—we’re ready to go kids—watch for players to move (via trade) - keep an eye on injuries, and have your rosters nice and tidied up for the season start.


Thanks again to the league membership as a whole, to the hosts, helpers, and to all who are important to this draft.


I’ll post more tomorrow—but for tonight—I’m out.





Welcome to the 2024 FFL Season!!!

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Stone Station FFL

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2023 FFL Points

Champ –



Super Bowl Winner-


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